MEP Consultancy Services

GRC Consultancy offers  MEP drafting and BIM modeling services  of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) artifacts  using tools like REVIT so that Architects, Engineers and Contractors can provide MEP services which enable a comfortable space for the building occupants. GRC consultancy engineers with Mechanical Engineering background, our drafted models and drawings enable the prompt and accurate planning, decision-making and  documentation of buildings and facilities.

By using building information modelling software like REVIT; architects, engineers and contractors ensure accurate and improved performance and cost-estimation, and the optimal construction, operating/maintaining of the resulting facilities. Our engineers model the mechanical, engineering and plumbing components of buildings and facilities in 3D, streamline the documentation and embed it within the models, and  also use specialized tools in a unified BIM environment like REVIT. 

Projects completed:

Consulted on using REVIT as a design and documentation tool, and for verifying designs, clash detection using REVIT MEP( Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) in BIM and BAS systems for a engineering firm.  Consulted on doing vulnerability assessments , building information systems security,  documentation using REVIT MEP documents and models. Reviewed network topology and identified controllers and end device locations (such as valves, sensors, actuators, integrated systems, etc.).

Building Services Co-ordinated drawing